Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day Cupcakes

A very special thank you to Mr. Ron Moore from Dartmouth Dining Services. Mr. Moore and his team kindly organized a patriotic cupcake station in Dartmouth College’s cafeteria in honor of Veterans Day. The cupcakes were delicious!

Veterans Day 2016

Dear Friends,

Today we honor our brave veterans who have served in the past and in the present. If you are a veteran, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for your courageous sacrifice and service. Thank you for protecting our nation and for safeguarding our liberties.

This past Tuesday, we learned that our country is divided politically. But no matter what political party you belong to, there is one thing that we can all agree on - we are all grateful for our veterans. Our veterans, who have selflessly given their lives to protect our nation, our liberties, and our citizens, deserve our deepest gratitude and thanks.

This Veterans day, let us put our political differences aside to thank our soldiers. Whether through a personal greeting, a thank-you letter, or a social media update, please take the opportunity to thank a veteran. A kind word and handshake can make a positive difference in a soldier’s life. Together, we can unite our country through a nationwide appreciation for our veterans!

May God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

As we celebrate this special day with family and friends, let’s spend some time to reflect on how great it is to live in the United States. We enjoy freedom of speech, free education, and equal rights to justice. Although these privileges seem like natural rights that are “free,” it is important to remember that these freedoms are not actually “free” per se. Rather, these sacred freedoms were purchased at a high cost – the lives of our brave U.S. soldiers.

Every July 4th, we remember what makes living in the United States great. This July 4th, let’s also remember our soldiers who have given their lives to protect the freedoms that we freely enjoy. Let’s remember the sacrifices that our servicemen and servicewomen have made to safeguard our rights and way of life. Let’s remember to honor those who have served in the United States’ military.

Thank you for supporting our soldiers; whenever you see a veteran, please take the time to say hello and thank them for their selfless, honorable, and brave service for our country.

May God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Dear Friends,

Today is Memorial Day. It is the day on which we remember those who have sacrificed their lives to protect this blessed country. It is the day on which we remember and honor our brave heroes. 

Let us remember those who have fallen. Let us remember the brave men and women who willingly paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the peace and safety of our country. Let us remember and honor those who have died in active military service.

Each Memorial Day, I like to read the following poem with my friends and family. It reminds us of the brave men and women who have died for our great country.

A fallen serviceman, a fallen servicewoman
A life laid down, in the name of freedom
Although we call our deceased soldiers the “fallen”
We know that in heaven, they are standing up
Standing up for the freedom, liberty, and justice
That they so bravely stood for on earth
God remembers each soldier’s brave sacrifice
And the Lord will bless their courageous souls
May our nation’s fallen soldiers rest in peace
And may God keep them in his loving care always

Thank you for supporting our soldiers; whenever you see a veteran, please take the time to say hello and thank them for their selfless and brave service for our country.

May God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu