Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving!
As we enjoy this special holiday with our friends and family, let us all take a moment to reflect on the many blessings in our lives. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays, let us remember to thank our veterans for their brave sacrifice and service to our country. As we enjoy our Thanksgiving holiday in safety, let us pray for the safety of our servicemen and women. 

Thank you for supporting our soldiers, may God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Special Thank You

A special thank you to Mr. Moore and Dartmouth Dining Services for organizing such an amazing patriotic cupcake and cookie station in honor of our nation's brave veterans!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day 2015

Dear Friends,

Happy Veterans Day!

To all of our dear servicemen and women who have courageously served in the past and in the present, the Love Our Troops Letter Project would like to thank you for your brave and patriotic service.

We are very grateful for the sacrifices made by you and your family, and we deeply appreciate your dedication to the protection of our beautiful nation. May God bless you and be with you and your family always.

To our dear readers who are civilians, let us honor the courageous service and sacrifice of our soldiers on this very special Veterans Day. Let us take the opportunity to thank a veteran in our life. Let us pray for the protection and blessing of our nation’s soldiers and their families. Let us be a blessing to our soldiers, just as they have been a blessing to us.

Thank you for supporting our soldiers, may God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu

Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Dear Friends,
I hope that you are enjoying your Fourth of July with your friends and family. 
I would like to share a story with you:
It’s Independence Day, and the United States is celebrating its birthday with a special cake. On this birthday cake, there are 239 candles, each representing one year of democracy and freedom. All the candles stand upright on a beautiful cake with red, white, and blue icing.
Now before the United States can enjoy its cake, it first must light the candles and make a wish. But these 239 candles do not ignite with just any old lighter or match. No, these candles, these years of democracy and freedom, must be ignited with the patriotism and blazing courage of American servicemen and women.
Thankfully, for over 239 years, American servicemen and women from every branch of the military have selflessly sacrificed and bravely fought to keep those 239 candles burning strong. Brave American soldiers from every generation have sacrificed their lives to preserve the flames of those candles, those 239 years of freedom and democracy.
It is really incredible, when you think about it, that the United States is now 239 years old. This nation of independence and democracy has stood strong for 239 long years. The sacred freedoms that were proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence have been safeguarded through the diligent service and courageous sacrifice of our nation’s military. 
This July 4th, let us remember and appreciate our military’s sacrifice. Let us recognize and thank a veteran today. Let us love our troops, and thank them for keeping the United States’ candles burning strong.
To our dear readers, thank you for supporting our soldiers, may God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu (7/4/15)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day - Remember the Fallen, Those Braves Souls Who Are Standing in Heaven

Dear Friends,

Today we remember those who have bravely laid down their lives to protect their family, friends, and fellow citizens. It is on Memorial Day that we commemorate the soldiers who died in the name of freedom. These brave servicemen and women are our nation’s heroes. They are our courageous defenders. They marched through barren valleys and desert fields. They faced heavy artillery and IEDs. They fought for peace, and did not give in to the enemy, not even to the point of death.
Today, let us remember those who have fallen. Let us offer a prayer for our nation’s greatest heroes. This Memorial Day, let us reflect on the sacrifice of each fallen soldier. Let us remember the brave men and women who willingly paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives to ensure peace and safety back home. Let us remember our country’s bravest men and women who died in active military service. 

I composed the following poem in honor of the brave men and women who have died for our great country.

A fallen serviceman, a fallen servicewoman
A life laid down, in the name of freedom
Although we call our deceased soldiers the “fallen”
We know that in heaven, they are standing up
Standing up for the freedom, liberty, and justice
That they so bravely stood for on earth
God remembers each soldier’s brave sacrifice
And the Lord will bless their courageous souls
May our nation’s fallen soldiers rest in peace
And may God keep them in his loving care always

Thank you for supporting our soldiers; whenever you see a veteran, please take the time to say hello and thank them for their selfless and brave service for our country.

May God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu (5/25/15)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! I hope that you and your family are enjoying a safe and wonderful holiday. May God bless you and keep you safe always. I wish you and your family a prosperous and healthy new year. Thank you for your courageous service to our country.

Wishing you a blessed New Year!

Jonathan A. Lu