Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day 2022

Dear Friends,

This Memorial Day, let us remember and pray for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country. Let us remember their sacrifice, and pray for their family members, as they mourn the loss of their loved ones. 

I came across a Memorial Day poem written by Tamsen Butler, titled "A Memorial Day Prayer," and wanted to share it with you: 

There's no comfort in battle,
No joy in the field.
Though exhausted and rattled,
Did they know their fate was sealed?

Did they know the end would come?
Were they scared or were they strong?
Were they willing to do it all for freedom?
Did they mutter, "No, this is wrong"?

No, they grasped the flag;
They ran forth with no fear.
Their bravery did not lag;
They held their faith near.

The Lord gave them strength
And held them close in His arms.
They were willing to go the length
To rage forth despite alarms.

Did they know it was the end?
Did they know their battle was lost?
They knew what they were willing to spend
And what would be the cost.

Thank You, Lord, for hearts that are brave,
For sacrificial love and those who serve.
We appreciate everything they gave
And their unshakeable nerve.

-Tamsen Butler

Thank you for supporting our soldiers; may God Bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers and their families.

Jonathan A. Lu

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