Thursday, July 31, 2014

Making a memory.

It's time to make a memory. 

We all have the power to make a memory that will last a lifetime. It doesn't take a meteor shower, a shooting star, or a solar eclipse. Every second of everyday, we are given an opportunity to make a lasting memory. 

I was recently at the mall with my mother. While my mom was looking at clothing, I noticed an older man with his grandson walking along the aisle. I could tell that the man was a veteran by his Vietnam war cap. As they were walking by, I took a moment to thank the man for his service to our country...I will always remember his reaction.

He first replied by smiling and shaking my hand, he said that he really appreciated the thanks, and that he was happy that our generation appreciated the military. He then introduced me to his grandson, whom he was very proud of. I usually thank veterans when I see them, and I don't think much of it when I do. But that man demonstrated that a simple "thank you" can mean so much more. 

He went on to say that my simple words of thanks meant very much to him. He thanked me for making a memory for his grandson, a memory in which he was respected and honored by the young generation. I didn't realize it at the time, but by thanking this veteran, I had shown him respect and honor. Because of this small act of appreciation, his grandson will always remember his grandfather as a great and highly respected man, a hero to our nation. That grandson will always look up to his grandfather, remembering the day when a civilian thanked his grandfather for his brave service.

Let's make a memory by thanking a veteran today. 

Thank you for your kind support and consideration, and may God Bless you and your family always!

Jonathan A. Lu

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