Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

As we celebrate this special day with family and friends, let’s spend some time to reflect on how great it is to live in the United States. We enjoy freedom of speech, free education, and equal rights to justice. Although these privileges seem like natural rights that are “free,” it is important to remember that these freedoms are not actually “free” per se. Rather, these sacred freedoms were purchased at a high cost – the lives of our brave U.S. soldiers.

Every July 4th, we remember what makes living in the United States great. This July 4th, let’s also remember our soldiers who have given their lives to protect the freedoms that we freely enjoy. Let’s remember the sacrifices that our servicemen and servicewomen have made to safeguard our rights and way of life. Let’s remember to honor those who have served in the United States’ military.

Thank you for supporting our soldiers; whenever you see a veteran, please take the time to say hello and thank them for their selfless, honorable, and brave service for our country.

May God bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers!

Jonathan A. Lu

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