Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veterans Day 2018

Dear Friends,

Today is Veterans Day. A day when we commemorate our brave servicemen and women for their courageous service.

I came across a poem by Cheryl Dyson, it’s a beautiful poem in honor of our nation’s heroes:

On Veterans Day we honor all
Who answered to a service call
Soldiers young, and soldiers old
Fought for freedom, brave and bold
Some have lived, while others died
And all of them deserve our pride
We’re proud of all the soldiers who
Kept thinking of red, white and blue
They fought for us and all our rights
They fought through many days and nights
And though we may not know each name
We thank ALL veterans just the same

If you meet a Veteran, please take the time to thank them and hear their story. For many of our heroes in uniform, the battle doesn’t end after they return home. Some veterans suffer from PTSD and homelessness – let’s do our best to support our heroes in uniform. Whether that’s through sending care packages, volunteering, or just saying thank you in person, we can all work together to appreciate our nation’s servicemen and women. Let’s make a promise to thank our brave soldiers, not just on Veterans Day, but every day!

Thank you for supporting our soldiers; may God Bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers and their families!

Jonathan A. Lu

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