Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021

Dear Friends,

This Memorial Day, let us take a moment to remember and pray for those who have given their lives to protect our country. Let us remember their sacrifice, and pray for their family members, as they mourn the loss of their loved ones. 

I recently came across a Memorial Day poem written by Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Lombardo, and wanted to share it with you: 

This is Memorial Day
In our land of the free.
It's because of those who sacrificed
Whose graves you're here to see.
They fought on foreign lands
And across the open sea
And paid the ultimate price
To keep you and I free.
So put all things aside
And honor this important day
Which we have dedicated
As our Memorial Day.

Thank you for supporting our soldiers; may God Bless you and your family and may God bless and protect our soldiers and their families.

Jonathan A. Lu

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